Dr. Butterfield Honored with Conservation Vision Award

Teton Conservation District proudly honors Dr. Chuck Butterfield with the Conservation Vision Award. Chuck has an exceptional ability to unite local vegetation management professionals to implement effective on-the-ground land management strategies. Through his visionary approach, Chuck embodies Teton Conservation District’s vision to inspire a forward-looking community dedicated to practicing natural resource stewardship.

A Lifelong Commitment to Conservation

Originally from Ten Sleep, Wyoming, Chuck's academic journey led him through Northwest College, University of Wyoming, Texas A & M, South Dakota State University and the University of Nebraska. His career culminated with 14 years at Chadron State College, where he developed one of the nation's largest range management programs. Now residing in Alpine with his wife Dorrene, Chuck is a semi-retired Senior Ecologist at Y2 Consultants and continues to dedicate time to environmental initiatives.

Partnering for Sustainable Land Management

Over the last few years, Chuck has partnered with the Teton Conservation District on a project studying the health of public grazing lands in Teton County, primarily within the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Monitoring these lands is essential for sustainable livestock management—establishing optimal stocking rates and grazing rotations—and for ensuring the preservation of healthy soils, plants, and watersheds.

"Chuck’s ability to engage diverse stakeholders and prioritize both people and natural resources is unparalleled," remarks Robb Sgroi, Land Resources Specialist at Teton Conservation District.

Chuck’s dedication and over three decades of expertise in plant identification, vegetation monitoring, data analysis, soil science, fire ecology, and wildlife management brought a heightened level of quality and credibility to the project. He innovated the selection criteria for monitoring sites and refined methods for gathering precise data on vegetation and soil conditions. His mentorship of range conservationists was also an integral component of the project’s success.

Legacy of Stewardship

Beyond his direct contributions to range management, Chuck volunteers on the team writing Ecological Site Descriptions for vegetation communities in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, shaping tools for future land management. Additionally, as Chairman of the Alpine Area Wildfire Protection Coalition, and a member of the Teton Area Wildfire Coalition, Chuck enhances stakeholder coordination to mitigate wildfire risks. He is also coordinator of the Greys River Forest Collaborative and serving as a director to the Society for Range Management.

"He embodies the spirit of conservation," concludes Sgroi. Chuck Butterfield’s work has left an indelible mark on the field of natural resource management. His ability to unite professionals, innovate methodologies, and mentor the next generation of conservationists ensures his legacy will endure. Teton Conservation District is proud to work alongside Chuck, and honor his dedication with this award.