Board Meetings

The Teton Conservation District Board normally meets on the third Wednesday of each month. The board packets are normally posted on this page on the second Wednesday of each month.

friday, april 4, 2025 - special meeting

The Teton Conservation District Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting on Friday, April 4, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. to review bids and select a contractor for the Flat Creek Thaw Well #5 and #6 project. The public is invited to attend the meeting at our office at 420 W. Pearl Ave in Jackson.

wednesday, april 16, 2025 - Board Meeting

Join the Teton Conservation District Board of Supervisors for their regular monthly meeting on April 16th, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.

The public is welcome to attend the meeting at our office at 420 W. Pearl Ave. in Jackson or virtually by Zoom phone or video conference:

If joining the meeting by computer, tablet, or smartphone, click here:

If joining the meeting by phone, dial one of the following phone numbers: (669) 900-6833, (253) 215-8782, (346) 248-7799

If calling by phone, you will be prompted to enter this Meeting ID: 894 5519 7286

For more information, please email or call 307-733-2110.

2021 Board Packets

To access board packets prior to January 2020, please email