TCD Well Test Kits
Homeowners using water from a private drinking water well or spring are solely responsible for its testing, operation, and maintenance to ensure the water is safe to drink.
TCD drinking water testing kits include arsenic, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, lead, pH, sodium, sulfate, total coliform bacteria, E. coli, total dissolved solids, and total hardness.
*Please allow up to two weeks for TCD to contact you as we work through registrations.
2025 Well Test Kit Funding Partnership
Teton Conservation District and Protect Our Water Jackson Hole are now partnering to offer free private drinking water well test kits to residents of Teton County. All Teton County, WY residents who rely on a private well or spring are now eligible for free Teton Conservation District comprehensive drinking water quality test kits.
TCD has sold these test kits for $50 since 2013, now purchased from Analytical Services Laboratory for $117 each. The difference in cost is covered by Teton County property taxes. Thanks to a Protect Our Water Jackson Hole Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Education grant, the test kits are now being offered free of charge through June 15, 2026, for the duration of grant funding or until funds are exhausted.
TCD will continue to offer this service to Teton County residents after this program concludes, with kits being offered for $50.
How To Obtain a Well Test Kit:
Well test kits are available by appointment only at the Teton Conservation District office at 420 W. Pearl Ave, Jackson, WY. This ensures we have stock on hand for you.
Fill out the online form to request a TCD Well Test Kit. TCD will contact you on a first-come, first-serve basis to schedule a a short (ten-minute) appointment to pick up the kit.
After collecting the kit, follow the instructions found on the sample submission form to collect your water samples. After collecting your water samples, mail your kit to Analytical Services Laboratory for analysis via UPS. UPS shipping is included in the cost. Water samples should be collected and shipped during the same day.
Frequently asked questions
What do well test kits test for?
Teton Conservation District well test kits include arsenic, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, lead, pH, sodium, sulfate, total coliform bacteria, E. coli, total dissolved solids, and total hardness. Iron, copper, and other parameters may be added to your well test kit for an additional fee. Contact us if you have questions about additional testing that can be conducted through Analytical Services Laboratory (the lab we work with in Laramie, WY) or other labs.
If you are interested in testing your well for bacteria only, Teton County Health Department offers a bacteriological test for $20. They can be reached at (307) 733-6401.
How much do the kits cost?
Teton Conservation District sells test kits to Teton County residents for $50. We purchase the kits from Analytical Services Laboratory for $117 each; the difference is paid for by Teton County property taxes. Residents outside of Teton County can purchase kits from Teton Conservation District or Analytical Services Laboratory for $117.
Where do I get a well test kit?
Teton Conservation District sells well test kits by appointment at our office at 420 W. Pearl Ave. in Jackson. Schedule an appointment with David Lee, Water Resources Specialist: 307-733-2110 (ext. 3) or After collecting your water samples, mail your kit to Analytical Services Laboratory for analysis via UPS at 970 W. Broadway. UPS shipping is included in the cost.
Am I eligible for a free kit?
To be eligible for a free kit through the 2025/2026 Well Test Kit Funding Partnership, you must:
Be a resident of Teton County, Wyoming.
Receive your drinking water from a private well (i.e. not from the Town of Jackson or another public water system source).
Have not yet received a free kit through the partnership program on your parcel.
When should I test my well?
Spring and summer runoff months can be a good time to test your well because snowmelt and rain are seeping into the groundwater, increasing the likelihood of the water mobilizing surficial contaminants. Winter can also be a good time of year to test your well because slowing groundwater and decreased dilution may cause contaminants to be at their highest concentration. If you have reason to be concerned about your drinking water, consider testing your well during both high and low runoff to compare the results.
How often should I test my well?
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality recommends private wells be tested annually. It’s important to test your well if any of the following apply to you:
You are pregnant or have children.
You notice a change in water taste, odor, color, or clarity.
There was a chemical or oil spill nearby.
Your or a neighbor’s septic system fails.
There was a flood or there is water accumulating around your well head.
You drilled a new well or bought a home.
What about my results?
Analytical Services Laboratory will email the well test results to you in about two weeks. Teton Conservation District staff are available to discuss questions and concerns.
Teton Conservation District does not actively share individual well test kit results, but the District may use test results to study and analyze data and develop publicly available reports, studies, or maps. In addition, all records and data maintained by the District, including well test kit results, are subject to the Wyoming Public Records Act and may be disclosed to third parties. If you are concerned about this, we recommend you purchase a well test kit directly from Analytical Services Laboratory or another lab.