Links & Resources
wildfire risk REDUCTION program
This flyer provides information on TCD's Wildfire Risk Reduction Program.
TAWPC utilizes the Firewise curriculum for outreach on wildfire risk reduction. The 'Wildfire Preparedness' section has resources on preparing for wildfire.
University of wyoming- barnyards & backyards
UW has resources for protecting your home from wildfire, current wildfire activity, managing property after a wildfire, and wildfire ecology. This guide provides information on Living With Wildfire in Wyoming.
living with wildfire in wyoming
This guide produced by the University of Wyoming provides information about the reality of life in Wyoming and wildfire risk reduction.
teton interagency fire
This website provides information on current fires and fire restrictions, predictive services for conditions influencing fire behavior, and supports information and coordination for interagency fire resources in northwest Wyoming.
preparing your home for wildfire
Check out this pamphlet to learn more about maintaining and retrofitting your home to reduce wildfire risk.
A Homeowner's guide to wildland fire protection
This video was produced by Teton County during the 2001 Green Knoll Fire south of Wilson, WY, to help homeowners prepare their homes and property to survive a wildfire.
Preparing Your HOme for WIldfire
This document was prepared by the Colorado State Forest Fire Service as a guide on creating wildfire defensible zones, and protecting your home from wildfire.
teton county (WY) community wildfire protection plan
This document provides guidance to citizens and agencies concerning wildfire issues. It was developed through collaborative efforts of numerous agencies, and illustrates the commitment to mitigate the effects of uncontrolled wildlife on property and citizens.
ready for wildfire
This website from the Department of Homeland Security includes information on insurance, preparedness, and resources for homeowners.